Wooden Exterior Doors, What’s Your Style?

Published: April 06, 2021

Beautiful Wooden Craftsman Exterior Front Door

Your entryway is the focal point of your home's façade, with the front door usually being its most prized asset. Nothing matches the warmth and satisfying heft of wooden front doors making it easy to understand what many people still prefer wooden doors over other materials. While there are now newer cheaper options out there today, these less expensive options are not customizable like wooden doors are. Steel doors are stamped and fiberglass doors come out of a mold, while wooden doors are made custom to the homeowner's needs and specifications.

Are Wooden Doors Safe?

It's a common myth that it is easier to break through a wooden door than it is a steel or fiberglass door. When it is not the door that is the problem but the latch-side jamb where the weak link exists, this can be remedied by securing an extra long security strike plate with 3-inch screws sunk into the stud. When ordering an exterior door you will want to opt for at least the beefier 1-3/4 inch option over the 1-3/8 option, as this will still accept the same hardware as the thinner door but provide better insulation and security.

Is a Wood Door Right for You

When it comes to deciding to get a wooden front door there are some things you want to ask yourself.

Is your entryway covered?

While not required the less exposure your door has to rain the better. This helps to reduce maintenance and can limit exposure to the sun.

Will it be exposed to the sun?

Sun is the number one finish killer so if your front door is baking in the sun for 4 or more hours a day its finish can diminish without a proper care routine. If your door is clear coated you will want to recoat about every 2 years and if painted you will likely want to repaint every 5 or so depending on the color and paint.

How high is the sill?

Your front door should clear your porch by about four to six inches to prevent any rainwater from pooling or snow build up from causing rot along the bottom of the door.

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